Overcoming Allergies to Pets

May 10th, 2022 by dayat Leave a reply »

These days, so many people are trying to live allergies and pets…Dealing with the constant congestion, itching and wheezing, the splitting headaches and other discomforts of allergies, and loving the furry source of all this misery is a tough spot to be in. But it’s exactly where an estimated ten million American pet owners find themselves right now.

Beyond the wonderful companionship and unconditional love, dogs and cats have some remarkable physical effects on the body.

Caring and cuddling these little (and sometimes not so little) critters can reduce anxiety and actually lower our blood pressure. What an enjoyable, simple and totally natural way to do something good for your health.

Allergy symptoms that are caused by pets bring on the discomforts we’re all familiar with – those itchy, watery eyes, blotchy hives, constant sneezing, awful congestion – sometimes even asthma.

Experts believe that you can develop a dog allergy some months or even years after making the pet a part of your life. If this happens to you, your best bet is to get tested to be sure your symptoms are a result of man’s best friend – and not other allergens like pollen, dust or mold – that can also be culprits.

In rare instances people outgrow allergies, including those to pets.

One of the best ways to comfortably co-exist with your beloved furry friend is to identify your allergy and undergo a series of shots to desensitize your system. Over the counter or prescription medications are also available to treat the symptoms, though the best remedy is to remove the pet from the home.

If you’re a pet lover with identified allergies, you may have heard of hypoallergenic breeds, like those being considered by President-elect Barak Obama’s family. The problem is, according to experts, there really is no such thing as hypoallergenic breeds.

Research has shown that allergies aren’t caused by the hair, allergens are produced by the animal’s saliva, dander and urine – so even a hairless dog, or one of the breeds often identified as hypoallergenic such as bichon frises, poodles and Malteses willproduce allergens that are brought into the environment.

There really isn’t any research that points to whether certain breeds are more allergy-friendly than others, though the main dog allergen that people often react to isn’t present in all dogs. The most important factors related to pet allergies are the size of the animal and the volume of hair it has. Of course an outdoor animal can bring pollens, mold spores and other allergens into the home that may also trigger an allergy attack.

Before you commit to a new pet, consider a trial period so you can see how the person who has the allergies manages.

If you just fall in love with a four legged friend, yet someone at home has pet allergies, here are some tips you can try to keep everyone happy. You can…

- Keep the bedrooms pet free zones, no exceptions.

- Wash bedding weekly, including the pet’s bed.

- Have as little carpeting in the main living area as you can.

- Vacuum any carpeting daily.

- Use a HEPA air filter in the bedroom to trap and remove allergens from the air.

- Wash the dog once or twice each week.

- Wash your own hands after interacting with the animal.


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